2021-08: Heart rate variability (HRV) Analysis using Entropy Methods
Date: 05/08/2021, 2-3 pm
Heart rate variability (HRV) Analysis using Entropy Methods
Heart rate variability (HRV), a variation in the time interval between successive heart beats, is a prognostic indicator of various physiological conditions, such as disease, stress, aging, fitness, and gender. Every physiological condition is linked to a change in heart rate variability and its complexity, thereby making HRV analysis (a popular non-invasive technique to assess cardiac health) a significant clinical tool.
The physiological process of HRV is highly non-linear in nature and therefore can be assessed only with the help of nonlinear analytical approaches. Moreover, due to procedural and economical constraints, it is generally preferred to conduct HRV analysis on ‘short-term’ data. KS-entropy (Kolmogorov-Sinai) methods are the most popular in this regard, satisfying both requirements.
However, KS-entropy methods are highly parametric in nature, which in turn limits their accuracy and robustness to a great extent. Parametric dependence of KS-entropy methods has been a long-standing (about 20 years) problem in HRV analysis. ‘Entropy profiling’ is a promising solution that we proposed in 2018 to address the issue. The novel analytical approach has been widely accepted and appreciated by the research community. The approach is currently being used in several applications of time-series analysis. An overall view of how entropy profiling is being successfully used for HRV analysis will be given in this research seminar.
Dr. Radhagayathri Udhayakumar, Associate Research Fellow at Deakin University, School of IT
Dr. Radhagayathri Udhayakumar has been working as an Associate Research Fellow at Deakin University, Burwood since August 2020. She graduated in 2019, with a PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Melbourne. Her areas of research interests include biomedical signal processing, data analytics and machine learning. Dr. Udhayakumar has over 10 years of experience in teaching and research. She has to her credit, research articles published in revered journals such as Transactions in Biomedical Engineering, Nonlinear Dynamics, Frontiers in Physiology, Entropy and Physical Review. At Deakin, Dr. Udhayakumar is working on the ARC Discovery Project titled ‘New Entropy Measures of Short-Term Signals for Smart Wearable Devices’. Dr. Udhayakumar also handles industry collaboration projects and research supervision duties within Deakin.