Items with category:D2i Seminar
2022-8: Multiple criteria, aggregation and multiobjective optimisation
Date: Wednesday 31 August Time: 1.00pm – 2.00pm Speaker: Professor Gleb Beliakov Title: Multiple criteria, aggregation and multiobjective optimisation Abstract: I will present a few industry-driven problems which require optimal solutions with respect to different criteria. Then I will formulate the corresponding multiobjective optimisation problems and discuss various concepts and challenges of this domain. I will […]
2022-7: Distributional Kernels — an under-utilized resource
Date: Friday 5 Aug Time: 9.00am – 10.00am Speaker: Prof. Kai Ming Ting Abstract:This seminar presents recent works on distributional kernels based on kernel mean embedding (KME). KME has a strong theoretical underpinning, and guarantees that the resultant kernel mean map is injective, i.e., the kernel mean maps of two distributions have their difference equals to […]
2022-4: Homogenising data density distribution for better pattern recognition
Date: Thursday 21 April Time: 2.00pm – 3.00pm Speaker: Dr Ye Zhu Abstract: Distance-based and density-based algorithms have been widely applied in various industries for clustering and anomaly detection. However, these algorithms usually suffer from the long-standing issue of inhomogeneous cluster densities, since they implicitly assume that all clusters have approximately the same density. Many remedies […]
2022-3: Time series in healthcare: challenges and open problems
Date: Wednesday 23 March Time: 1.00pm – 2.00pm Speaker: Professor Maia Angelova Title: Time series in healthcare: challenges and open problems Abstract: Time series datasets, such as electronic health records (EHR), electrocardiograms (ECG), electroencephalograms (EEG), sleep records, monitoring vital signs, COVID-19 spread, are sources of information that can capture the onset and spread of disease, lifestyle risks, the results and […]
2021-12: Diversity Enhanced Active Learning with Strictly Proper Scoring Rules
Date: Time: 12 Dec, 2021, Friday 10-11 am AEST Title: Diversity Enhanced Active Learning with Strictly Proper Scoring Rules Abstract: We study acquisition functions for active learning (AL) for text classification. The Expected Loss Reduction (ELR) method focuses on a Bayesian estimate of the reduction in classification error, recently updated with Mean Objective Cost of […]
2021-10: Local Reliable Community Search in Weighted Graphs
Date: Time: 8 Oct, 2021, Friday 1pm-2pm AEST Title: Local Reliable Community Search in Weighted Graphs Abstract: Community search is a fundamental task in the analysis of complex networks, which is widely applied in various scenarios like the social network, collaboration network, and topology networks. In the real world, the network data is dynamic and the interaction between entities […]
2021-09: Internet of Medical Things (IoMT): A Future Connected Healthcare System
Date: 15/09/2021, 12-1 pm Title: Internet of Medical Things (IoMT): A Future Connected Healthcare System Abstract: IoMT stands for the Internet of Medical Things and it’s a combination of wearable, healthcare and medical devices along with applications that can connect all the healthcare information systems through networking technologies. It’s a very big market that was […]
2021-09: AI and Data-Driven Modelling for Precision Medicine and Healthcare
Date: 23/09/2021, 10-11 am Title: AI and Data-Driven Modelling for Precision Medicine and Healthcare Abstract: Sleep and nutrition are essential and repeating processes which are vital for our quality of life and wellbeing. These processes involve complex dynamics and regulation at multi-scale that reflect developmental changes in mental and physical health, along with the day-to-day […]
2021-09: Representation Learning for Short Text Clustering
Date: 03/09/2021, 2-3 pm Title: Quantum Computing and Quantum Machine Learning: Concepts, Applications and Major Players Abstract: Effective representation learning is critical for short text clustering due to the sparse, high-dimensional and noise attributes of short text corpus. Existing pretrained models (e.g., Word2vec and BERT) have greatly improved the expressiveness for short text representations with more […]
2021-09: Quantum Computing and Quantum Machine Learning: Concepts, Applications and Major Players
Date: 01/09/2021, 12-1 pm Title: Quantum Computing and Quantum Machine Learning: Concepts, Applications and Major Players Abstract: Quantum computing is a new and rapidly evolving area of research and development. It concerns building and using information processing systems, which are capable of harnessing phenomena at atomic and sub-atomic scale. Such systems work on entirely new […]